A History of Resistance in Newark

Grade: 11th grade
Topics: Civil Rights protest in Newark NJ
Social Justice Skills: Social Movements, Racism, Police Brutality, Protest, Change
Created by: Kiley Porter

This unit is about ​​the way that protests by marginalized groups against injustices committed by those in power can create change. Students will learn about the Newark “Riots” of 1967 and explore how the community of Newark, NJ has led collective responses against police brutality in both the past and the present. Students will examine how oppressive forces strive to maintain power while marginalized people strive to gain access to power, and how protest is viewed through different lenses depending on one’s relationship to power. The purpose of this content is to help students understand that there is no singular correct form of protest. By examining the ways that historical and modern protests are perceived, students will understand that conflict has the power to create change.

View the PDF: Kiley Porter- Unit Plan
